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Topamax lawsuit

>> Thursday, May 5, 2011

Topamax is a drug which is used to treat epilepsy and migraine headaches, which was approved by FDA(Food and Drug Administration) in 1998. This drug is generally called as topiramate. Recently FDA found the the risk of oral cleft defects is elven times higher in pregnant women if she had used Topamax while pregnancy particularly during the first trimester. FDA found that if the pregnant women used Topamax as a single therapy, then the rate of defects is 1.4%. And the rate of defect in women who used topamax along with anti epileptic drugs is .38% - .55%. Now FDA moved Topamax from category C drug to category D drug i.e it has been found that it cause harm to human fetuses. It is also feared that this drug may also affect the hormones of birth control like birth control pills. Even though it is not sure about hormonal birth control it is advised to physicians that to prefer safer alternatives. Johnson & Johnson says the medicine has label which informs the users about the risk of fetal defects. If you or your loved ones is a victim of this drug contact topamax lawsuit 2011 and fill out a case evaluation form today. They have attorneys who are experienced with this kind of case. They will give you legal guidance and also will help you in getting the compensation.


Support June 2, 2011 at 8:39 PM  

Interesting information on Topamax and the Topamax Lawsuit. I found addtional information on the Topamax Lawsuit at

Seem like the FDA is in involved now, which is a good thing.

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